Wednesday, February 27, 2008

It's a brand new blog...

Some of you may know that I use to have a blog that I infrequently kept up with on a personal website that my husband and I have. Well, I'm aiming to do a better job on this blog, while keeping it completely separate from our website. We'll see how I do at updating it. As the title implies, this is all about what's on my I guess a blog should be. I'll probably have my gripes to share and the things that perplex me about people/society/situations. Hopefully I'll have some laughs to share as well. Down the road, I'd like to expand to a recipe-sharing library. I started this on our personal website, but because we have this very small audience, there wasn't a whole lot of recipe sharing going on.

I welcome your comments, unless they get mean....LOL

So that's it for now..... ciao!


falcozappa said...

Good luck with this one - you seem to be better at keeping these things up to that than I am. Last time I had a blog, I think it only ran to four posts before it fizzled.

Frances said...

MWAH! I'm gonna try...

falcozappa said...

You're doing great so far. But I still haven't worked out how to subscribe.